How to develop an amazing mobile gaming app?

by Isaac

Mobile gaming has a brilliantly huge market and it can help you generate handsome revenue. You might have played or heard about Candy Crush, Flappy Bird, and Angry Birds. Millions of people have been inspired by these apps to build their own games. However, a few succeed in their ventures because they don’t do it right. Gaming has great potential as it offers a great entertainment tool. Statista says that only in the United States there were 213 million gamers in the past year. The data proves that people need a decent entertainment tool to kill time.

Despite the presence of a great appetite for gaming, many don’t succeed just because they follow the wrong course. They miss out on some key ingredients like an exceptional audio kit, brilliant graphics, and amazing speed during the developing phase.

Storytelling Technique

Just as in any other thing, storytelling technique is the key to success in the world of gaming as well. Players demand a purpose to fulfill. They will be more involved in your game if you create a fictional world in which they must achieve a purpose. You should focus on making your game just like life itself. Give the players something to create. This can be a rescue mission if you are developing a war game. This can be unlocking of the next level if you are building a game like Candy Crush or Angry Birds.

A story must have a hero and a villain. If you can create a powerful villain that challenges the hero at each stage of the game, you will be able to make the game a top-seller.

You should do the homework before the developing stage. For example, you should decide what should be the weaknesses and strengths of the hero. The purpose of fighting should also be mentioned. The hero must be able to view the objectives of his mission on the screen by a single click. Nothing should be hidden or hard to find except the rewards.

High-class user experience

A nice user experience is the key to achieving success in the world of gaming. For example, you should provide the players with access to several weapons. The player should have the option to pick up weapons and other strategic items along the way. If your gaming app has push up ads, you better think about removing them.

On top of all, the user interface should be brilliant. It should not take more than one click to use an option. Integrate graphics in your app in the way that they don’t slow down the performance of the game. If the user experience is bad, your game will fall flat on the face. If the speed is slow, the result will be similar.

Invest money to build a user base

The competition nowadays is so high that there is hardly an exponential growth in organic users. Therefore, you need to market your game well. You can use Instagram to kick off an advertising campaign for your game. Facebook is the king in terms of data. You pay to get targeted ad campaigns to boost downloads on your game. The first ten thousand downloads are crucial. You can take the game from that point onward to achieve an exponential organic growth.

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